MARPOL Regulation on Fuel Oil Availability

        This Regulation comes under MARPOL Annex VI, Chapter 3 - Requirements for control of Emissions from Ships, Regulation 18

  1. Each Party shall take all responsible steps to promote the availability of fuel oils that comply with this Annex and inform the Organization of the availability of compliant fuel oils in its port and terminals. 
  2. Each Party shall take all responsible steps such that:
    1. If a ship is found by a party not to be in compliance with the standards for compliant fuel oils set forth in this Annex, the competent authority of the Party is entitled to require the ship to:
      1. Present a record of the actions taken to attempt to achieve compliance
      2. Provide evidence that it attempted to purchase compliant fuel oil in accordance with its voyage plan and, if it was not made available where planned, that attempts were made to locate alternatives sources for such fuel oil and that despite best efforts to obtain compliant fuel oil, no such fuel was made available for purchase.
    2. The ship should not be required to deviate from its intended voyage or to delay unduly the voyage in order to achieve compliance.
    3. If a ship provides the information set forth in Paragraph 2.1 of this Regulation, a Party shall take into account all relevant circumstances and the evidence presented to determine the appropriate action to take, including not taking control measures.
    4. A ship shall notify its Administration and the competent authority of the relevant port of destination when it cannot purchase compliant fuel oil. 
    5. A Party shall notify the Organization when a ship has presented evidence of the non-availability of compliant fuel oil.  

Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - MARPOL - Annex VI 

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