Guidelines for Fuel Oil Sampling

General Information:

  • The primary objective of these guidelines is to establish an agreed method to obtain a representative sample of the fuel oil for combustion purposes delivered for use onboard ships.

  • The Bunker Delivery Note shall be accompanied by a representative sample of the fuel oil delivered and this sample is to be used solely for the determination of compliance with Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.

Sampling Methods:

  1. The primary sample should be obtained by one of the following methods:
    1. Manual-valve setting continuous-drip sampler
    2. Time-proportional automatic sampler
    3. Flow-proportional automatic sampler

  2. Sampling equipment should be used under the manufacturer's instructions or guidelines, as appropriate.

Sampling and Sample Integrity:

  1. A means should be provided to seal the sampling equipment throughout the period of supply.
  2. Attention should be given to:
    1. The form of the set-up of the sampler.
    2. The form of the primary sample container.
    3. The cleanliness and dryness of the sampler and the primary sampler container before use.
    4. The setting of the means used to control the flow to the primary sample container.
    5. The method to be used to secure the sample from tampering to contamination during the bunker operation.
  3. The primary sample receiving container should be attached to the sampling equipment and sealed to prevent tampering or contamination of the sample throughout the bunker delivery period.

Sampling Location:

  • For the purpose of these Guidelines, a sample of the fuel oil delivered to the ship should be obtained at the receiving ship's inlet bunker manifold and should be drawn continuously throughout the bunker delivery period.

Retained Sample Handling:

  • The retained sample container should be clean and dry.

  • Immediately before filling the retained sample container, the primary sample quantity should be thoroughly agitated to ensure that it is homogenous. 

  • The retained sample should be of sufficient quantity to perform the tests required but should not be less than 400 ml. The container should be filled to 90% + 5% capacity and sealed.

Sealing of Retained Sample:

  1. Immediately following collection of the retained sample, a tamper-proof security seal with a unique means of identification should be installed by the supplier's representative in the presence of the ship's representative. 
  2. A label containing the following information should be secured to the retained sample container:
    1. Location at which, and the method by which, the sample was drawn.
    2. Date of commencement of delivery.
    3. Name of Bunker tanker/ Bunker installation.
    4. Name and IMO number of the Receiving ship.
    5. Signatures and Names of the supplier's representative and the ship's representative.
    6. Details of seal identification
    7. Bunker Grade
  3. To facilitate cross-reference details of the seal, identification may also be recorded on the Bunker Delivery Note.

Retained Sample Storage:

  • The retained sample should be kept in a safe storage location, outside the ship's accommodation, where personnel would not be exposed to vapours that may be released from the sample. The care should be exercised when entering a sample storage location.

  • The retained sample should be stored in a sheltered location where it will not be subject to elevated temperatures, preferably at a cool/ambient temperature, and where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

  • According to Regulation 18 of Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, the related sample should be retained under the ship's control until the fuel oil is substantially consumed, but in any case for a period of not less than 12 months from the time of delivery.

  • The ship's master should develop and maintain a system to keep track of the retained samples.

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Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - Resolutions - Marine Environment Protection Committee - Resolutions.MEPC.182(59).

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