Chapters and Contents in LSA Code

 LSA Code:

The purpose of this code is to provide International standards for Life-saving appliances required by Chapter III of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974.

The Chapters and the content of the code are listed below

Chapter I - General

        1.1 - Definitions

        1.2 - General Requirements for Life-saving Appliances

Chapter II - Personal Life-saving Appliances

        2.1 - Lifebuoys (click here to know more)

                        2.1.1 - Lifebuoys Specification

                        2.1.2 - Lifebuoys Self-igniting Lights

                        2.1.3 - Lifebuoys Self-activating smoke signals

                        2.1.4 -  Buoyant lifelines

        2.2 - Lifejackets (click here to know more)

                        2.2.1 - General requirements for Lifejackets

                        2.2.2 - Inflatable Lifejackets

                        2.2.3 - Lifejacket lights

        2.3 - Immersion suits (click here to know more)

                        2.3.1 - General requirements for immersion suits

                        2.3.2 - Thermal Performance requirements for immersion suits

        2.4 - Anti-exposure Suits (click here to know more)

                        2.4.1 - General requirements for anti-exposure suits

                        2.4.2 - Thermal Performance requirements for anti-exposure suits

                        2.4.3 - Stability Requirements

        2.5 - Thermal Protective Aids (click here to know more)

Chapter III - Visual Signals

        3.1 - Rocket Parachute Flares 

        3.2 - Hand Flares

        3.3 - Buoyant Smoke Signals

Chapter IV - Survival Craft

        4.1 - General requirements for Liferafts

                        4.1.1 - Construction of Liferafts

                        4.1.2 - Minimum carrying capacity and mass of liferafts

                        4.1.3 - Liferaft fittings

                        4.1.4 - Davit-launched Liferafts

                        4.1.5 - Equipment

                        4.1.6 - Float-free arrangements for Liferafts

        4.2 - Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.1 - General

                        4.2.2 - Construction of Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.3 - Carrying capacity of Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.4 - Access into Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.5 - Stability of Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.6 - Containers for Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.7 - Markings on Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.8 - Davit-launched Inflatable Liferafts

                        4.2.9 - Additional equipment for Inflatable Liferafts

        4.3 - Rigid Liferafts

                        4.3.1 - General

                        4.3.2 - Construction of Rigid Liferafts

                        4.3.3 - Carrying capacity of Rigid Liferafts

                        4.3.4 - Access into Rigid Liferafts

                        4.3.5 - Stability of Rigid Liferafts

                        4.3.6 - Markings on Rigid Liferafts

                        4.3.7 - Davit-launched Rigid Liferafts

        4.4 - General requirements for Lifeboats

                        4.4.1 - Construction of Lifeboats

                        4.4.2 - Carrying capacity of Lifeboats (click here to know more)

                        4.4.3 - Access into Lifeboats

                        4.4.4 - Lifeboat buoyancy

                        4.4.5 - Lifeboat freeboard and stability

                        4.4.6 - Lifeboat propulsion

                        4.4.7 - Lifeboat fittings

                        4.4.8 - Lifeboat equipment (click here to know more)

                        4.4.9 - Lifeboat markings (click here to know more)

        4.5 - Partially Enclosed Lifeboats

        4.6 - Totally Enclosed Lifeboats

                        4.6.1 - General

                        4.6.2 - Enclosure

                        4.6.3 - Capsizing and re-righting

                        4.6.4 - Propulsion

                        4.6.5 - Protection against acceleration

        4.7 - Free-fall Lifeboats

                        4.7.1 - General requirements

                        4.7.2 - Carrying capacity of a Free-fall Lifeboat

                        4.7.3 - Performance requirements

                        4.7.4 - Construction

                        4.7.5 - Protection against harmful acceleration

                        4.7.6 - Lifeboat fittings

                        4.7.7 - Certificate of approval

        4.8 - Lifeboats with a self-contained air support system

        4.9 - Fire-protected Lifeboats

                        4.9.1 - General

                        4.9.2 - Water Spray System

Chapter V - Rescue Boats

        5.1 - Rescue Boats

Chapter VI - Launching and Embarkation Appliances

        6.1 - Launching and Embarkation Appliances

                        6.1.1 - General requirements

                        6.1.2 - Launching appliances using falls and a winch

                        6.1.3 - Float-free launching

                        6.1.4 - Launching appliances for Free-fall Lifeboats

                        6.1.5 - Liferaft launching appliances

                        6.1.6 - Embarkation ladders

                        6.1.7 - Launching appliances for Fast Rescue Boats

        6.2 - Marine Evacuation systems

                        6.2.1 - Construction of the Marine Evacuation systems

                        6.2.2 - Performance of the manned Evacuation system

                        6.2.3 - Inflatable Liferafts associated with Marine Evacuation systems

                        6.2.4 - Containers for Marine Evacuation systems

                        6.2.5 - Marking on Marine Evacuation systems

Chapter VII - Other Life-Saving Appliances

        7.1 - Line-throwing appliances ( click here to know more)

        7.2 - General Alarm and Public Address System

                        7.2.1 - General emergency alarm system

                        7.2.2 - Public address system (click here to know more)

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  1. IMO Publications & Documents - International Codes - LSA Code
  2. IMO Publications & Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolutions.MSC.48(66).

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