Contents of SOLAS Chapter II-1

Construction - Structure, subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations

  • It lays out specific requirements for the construction of Passenger ships, Cargo ships, Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers.
  • Chapter II-1 is the broadest and longest chapter and it deals with the following:
    • Requirements of Ship construction
    • Requirements of watertight integrity
    • Emergency towing arrangements
    • Protection against corrosion
    • Stability requirements
    • Requirements of machinery installations
    • Requirements of electrical installations
    • The requirement of unmanned machinery spaces
    • Alternative arrangements on fire safety
    • Requirement of ships using low-flashpoint fuels

Part A - General

Regulation 1 - Application.

Regulation 2 - Definitions. (Click here to know more)

Regulation 3 - Definitions relating to Part C, D and E of this chapter.

Part A-1 - Structure of Ships

Regulation 3-1 - Structural, mechanical and electrical requirements for ships. 

Regulation 3-2 - Protective coating of dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers.

Regulation 3-3 - Safe access to tanker bows.

Regulation 3-4 - Emergency towing arrangements and procedures. (Click here to know more)

Regulation 3-5 - New installation of materials containing asbestos.

Regulation 3-6 - Access to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area of oil tankers and bulk carriers. (Click here to know more)

Regulation 3-7 - Construction drawings maintained onboard and onshore.

Regulation 3-8 - Towing and mooring equipment.

Regulation 3-9 - Means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships.

Regulation 3-10 - Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers

Regulation 3-11 - Corrosion protection of Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers

Regulation 3-12 - Protection against noise

Part B - Subdivision and Stability

Regulation 4 - General

Part B-1 - Stability

Regulation 5 - Intact Stability

Regulation 5-1 - Stability Information to be supplied to the Master

Regulation 6 - Required subdivision index R

Regulation 7 - Attained subdivision index A

Regulation 7-1 - Calculation of the factor p i

Regulation 7-2 - Calculation of the factor si

Regulation 7-3 - Permeability

Regulation 8 - Special Requirements concerning passenger ship stability

Regulation 8-1 - System capabilities and operational information after a flooding causality on passenger ships

Part B-2 - Subdivision, Watertight and Weathertight integrity

Regulation 9 - Double bottoms in passenger ships and cargo ships other than tankers.

Regulation 10 - Construction of watertight bulkheads.

Regulation 11 - Initial testing of watertight bulkheads, etc.

Regulation 12 - Peak and machinery space bulkheads, shaft tunnels, etc.    

Regulation 13 - Openings in watertight bulkheads below the bulkhead deck in passenger ships.

Regulation 13-1 - Openings in watertight bulkheads and internal decks in cargo ships.

Regulation 14 - Passenger ships carrying goods vehicles and accompanying personnel.

Regulation 15 - Openings in the shell plating below the bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck of cargo ships. 

Regulation 15-1 - External openings in cargo ships.

Regulation 16 - Construction and initial tests of watertight doors, side scuttles, etc.

Regulation 16-1 - Construction and initial tests of watertight decks, trunks, etc. 

Regulation 17 - Internal watertight integrity of passenger ships above the bulkhead deck.

Regulation 17-1 - Integrity of the hull and superstructure, damage prevention and control on ro-ro passenger ships.  

Part B-3 - Subdivision Load Line Assignment for Passenger Ships

Regulation 18 - Assigning, marking and recording of subdivision load lines for passenger ships

Part B-4 - Stability Management

Regulation 19 - Damage control information.

Regulation 19-1 - Damage control drills for passenger ships

Regulation 20 - Loading of Passenger ships. 

Regulation 21 - Periodical operation and inspection of watertight doors, etc., in passenger ships.

Regulation 22 - Prevention and control of water ingress, etc.  

Regulation 22-1 - Flooding detection systems for passenger ships carrying 36 or more persons constructed on or after 1 July 2010.

Regulation 23 - Special requirements for ro-ro passenger ships.

Regulation 24 - Prevention and control of water ingress, etc., in cargo ships.

Regulation 25 - Water level detectors on single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers.

Part C - Machinery Installations

(Except where expressly provided otherwise Part - C applies to passenger ships and cargo ships)

Regulation 26 - General

Regulation 27 - Machinery

Regulation 28 - Means of going astern

Regulation 29 - Steering Gear

Regulation 30 - Additional requirement for electric and electro-hydraulic steering gear

Regulation 31 - Machinery controls

Regulation 32 - Steam boiler and boiler feed systems

Regulation 33 - Steam-pipe systems

Regulation 34 - Air pressure systems

Regulation 35 - Ventilation systems in machinery spaces

Regulation 35-1 - Bilge pumping arrangements

Regulation 36 - Protection against noise

Regulation 37 - Communication between navigation bridge and machinery space

Regulation 38 - Engineer's alarm

Regulation 39 - Location of emergency installations in passenger ships

Part D - Electrical Installations

(Except where expressly provided otherwise Part - D applies to passenger ships and cargo ships)

Regulation 40 - General

Regulation 41 - Main source of electrical power and lighting systems.

Regulation 42 - An emergency source of electrical power in passenger ships.

Regulation 42-1 - Supplementary Emergency lighting for ro-ro passenger ships.

Regulation 43 - An emergency source of electrical power in cargo ships.

Regulation 44 - Staring arrangements for emergency generating sets.

Regulation 45 - Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin.

Part E - Additional requirements for periodically unattended machinery spaces

(Part E applies to Cargo Ships except Regulation 54 refers to Passenger ship)

Regulation 46 - General

Regulation 47 - Fire precautions

Regulation 48 - Protection against flooding

Regulation 49 - Control of propulsion machinery from the navigation bridge

Regulation 50 - Communication

Regulation 51 - Alarm system

Regulation 52 - Safety systems

Regulation 53 - Special requirements for machinery, boiler and electrical installations    

Regulation 54 - Special consideration in respect to passenger ships

Part F - Alternative Design and Arrangements

Regulation 55 - Alternative Design and arrangements

Part G - Ships Using Low-Flashpoint Fuels

Regulation 56 - Application

Regulation 57 - Requirements for Ships using low-flashpoint fuels


Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - SOLAS

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