Emergency Towing Booklet (ETB)

Purpose and Requirement:

  • The purpose of the Guidelines is to assist owners/operators in preparing ship-specific emergency towing procedures for ships subject to SOLAS Chapter II-1, Part A-1 Regulation 3-4. (Click here to know more)

  • The guidelines are intended to help owners/operators to carry out the necessary steps in establishing emergency towing procedures (click here to know more), provide information on the scope of the emergency towing booklet and give guidance towards creating a procedure for towage.
  • The booklets, procedures and posters provided onboard the ship for the purpose of the ship's crew must be in a ready-to-use format.

  • Ship-specific procedures should be identified during the ship's evaluation and entered accordingly in the Emergency towing booklet(ETB)

Emergency Towing Booklet:

  • The Emergency towing booklet (ETB) should be ship-specific and be presented in a clear, concise and ready-to-use format (booklet, plan, poster, etc.)

  • Ship-specific data should include the following:
    • Ship's name

    • Call Sign

    • IMO Number

    • Anchor details (shackle, connection details, weight, type, etc.)

    • Cable and Chain details (lengths, connection details, proof load, etc.)

    • Height of mooring deck(s) above the base

    • Draft range

    • Displacement range

  • All procedures developed should be presented in a clear and easy to understand format for a smooth and swift application in an emergency situation.

  • Comprehensive diagrams and sketches should be available and include the following:

    • Assembly and Rigging diagrams.

    • Towing equipment and strong point locations.

    • Equipment and strong point capacities and Safe working loads (SWLs).

  • A copy of the booklet should be always available with owners/operators to facilitate the passing on of information to the towage company as early as possible during an emergency.

  • A minimum of three copies should be kept on board and located in:

    • The Bridge

    • The forecastle space

    • The ship's office or cargo control room

Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1255

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