Objectives & Functional Requirements on Fire Safety as Per SOLAS

Fire Safety Objective:

The Objective of Fire safety is to 

  • Prevent the occurrence of Fire and Explosion
  • Reduce the Risk of Life caused by Fire
  • Reduce the Risk of Damage caused by Fire to the Ship, its Cargo and the Environment
  • Contain, Control and Suppress Fire and Explosion in the compartment of origin
  • Provide adequate and Readily accessible Means of Escape for passengers and crew

Functional Requirements on Fire Safety:

        To achieve the objective of Fire safety the following functional requirements are incorporated in the regulation such as:

  • Division of the ship into main vertical and horizontal zones by thermal and structural boundaries.
  • Separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries.
  • Restricted use of combustible materials.
  • Detection of any Fire in the zone of origin.
  • Containment and extinction of any Fire in the space of origin. 
  • Protection of Means of escape and access for fire fighting.
  • The ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances.
  • Minimization of the possibility of ignition of flammable cargo vapours.

Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - SOLAS Ch-II-2

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