Contents of SOLAS Chapter III

Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements

  • It contains the requirements for life-saving appliances and arrangements, it is divided into 3 parts containing 38 regulations
  • This includes requirements for lifejackets, lifeboats and rescue-boats according to the type of the ship it is fitted.
  • The special technical requirements are contained in the International Life Saving Appliances (LSA) code which is mandatory under this chapter.

Part A - General

Regulation 1 - Application

Regulation 2 - Exemptions

Regulation 3 - Definitions

Regulation 4 - Evaluation, testing and approval of life-saving appliances and arrangements

Regulation 5 - Production tests

Part B - Requirements for ships and life-saving appliances

Section I - Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships

Regulation 6 - Communications

Regulation 7 - Personal life-saving appliances

Regulation 8 - Muster list and emergency instructions

Regulation 9 - Operating instructions

Regulation 10 - Manning of survival craft and supervision

Regulation 11 - Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements

Regulation 12 - Launching stations

Regulation 13 - Stowage of survival crafts

Regulation 14 - Stowage of rescue boats

Regulation 15 - Stowage of marine evacuation systems

Regulation 16 - Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements

Regulation 17 - Rescue boat embarkation, launching and recovery arrangements

Regulation 17-1 - Recovery of persons from the water 

Regulation 18 - Line-throwing appliances 

Regulation 19 - Emergency training and drills

Regulation 20 - Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections

Section II - passenger Ships (Additional Requirements)

Regulation 21 - Survival craft and rescue boats

Regulation 22 - Personal life-saving appliances

Regulation 23 - Survival craft and rescue boat embarkation arrangements

Regulation 24 - Stowage of survival craft

Regulation 25 - Muster stations

Regulation 26 - Additional requirements for ro-ro passenger ships

Regulation 27 - Information on passengers

Regulation 28 - Helicopter landing and pick-up areas

Regulation 29 - A decision support system for masters of passenger ships

Regulation 30 - Drills

Section III - Cargo Ships (Additional Requirements)

Regulation 31 - Survival craft and rescue boats

Regulation 32 - Personal life-saving appliances

Regulation 33 - Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangements

Section IV - Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements Requirements

Regulation 34 - Life-saving appliances and arrangements 

Section V - Miscellaneous

Regulation 35 - Training manual and on-board training aids

Regulation 36 - Instructions for on-board maintenance

Regulation 37 - Muster list and emergency instructions

Part C - Alternative design and arrangements

Regulation 38 - Alternative design and arrangements  

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Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - SOLAS

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