Ship's Structure Access Manual

        A ship's means of access to carry out overall and close-up inspections and thickness measurements shall be described in a Ship structure access manual approved by the Administration, an updated copy should be kept on board.

The ship structure access manual shall include the following for each space: 

  • The plans showing the means of access within each space to enable an overall inspection to be carried out, with appropriate technical specifications and dimensions.

  • The plans should indicate from where each area in the space can be inspected.

  • The plans showing the means of access within the space to enable close-up inspections to be carried out, with appropriate technical specifications and dimensions.

  • The plans shall indicate the positions of the critical structural areas, whether the means of access is permanent or portable and from where each area can be inspected.  

  • Instructions for inspecting and maintaining the structural strength of all means of access and means of attachment, taking into account any corrosive atmosphere that may be within the space.

  • Instructions for safety guidance when rafting is used for close-up inspections and thickness measurement.

  • Instructions for rigging and use of any portable means of access in a safe manner

  • An inventory of all portable means of access

  • Records of periodical inspections and maintenance of the ship's means of access. 

        For the purpose of this regulation "critical structural areas" are locations that have been identified from calculations to require monitoring or from the service history of similar or sister ships to be sensitive to cracking, buckling, deformation or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the ship. 

Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - SOLAS Ch-II-1

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