General Information on Tonnage



        The displacement of the ship is defined as the total weight of a volume of water, the ship displaces when it is waterborne.


        It is the weight of the ship including all framing, machinery, deck etc. and excluding the weight of Cargo, Water, Fuel, Stores etc. 


  • It is the mass of Cargo, Fuel, Water, Stores etc. that the ship carries.
  • It is the difference between the displacement of the ship and the Lightweight of the ship.


Gross Tonnage:

  • It measures the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provision of the present Convention. 
  • The Gross Tonnage (GT) of a ship shall be determined by the following formula:


Net Tonnage:

        It is the measure of useful capacity of the ship determined in accordance with the provision of the present Convention. 
        The Net Tonnage (NT) of a ship shall be determined by the following formula:

        It will be noted that vessels with high freeboards, (i.e.) low draft to depth (d/D) ratios will have low net tonnages. Squaring this ratio can result in excessively low net tonnages hence the limiting value of 0.30 GT. 

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