Regulations on Prevention of Pollution during STS Operations


  • This Regulation comes under MARPOL Annex I, Chapter 8 - Prevention of Pollution during Transfer of Oil cargo between Oil Tankers at Sea.

  • The Regulations contained in this chapter apply to oil tankers of 150 gross tonnages and above engaged in the transfer of oil cargo between the oil tankers at sea (STS Operations).
  • The Regulations contained in this chapter shall not apply to oil transfer operations associated with fixed or floating platforms including drilling rigs.

  • The Regulations contained in this chapter shall not apply to bunkering operations.

  • The Regulations contained in this chapter shall not apply to STS operations necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or safety of life at sea, or for combating specific pollution incidents in order to minimize the damage from pollution.

  • The Regulations contained in this chapter shall not apply to STS operations where either of the ships involved is a warship, naval auxiliary or other ship owned or operated by a state and used, for the time being, only on government non-commercial service.

General Requirements on Safety & Environmental Protection: 

  • Any oil tanker involved in STS operation shall carry on board an STS operation plan in the working language of the ship and shall be approved by the Administration.

  • The STS operation plan shall be developed taking into account the information contained in the best practice guidelines for STS operation identified by the Organisation. 

  • The STS operation plan may be incorporated with the existing Safety Management System as required by Chapter IX of SOLAS.

  • Any Oil tanker subject to this chapter and engaged in STS operations shall comply with its STS operation plan.

  • The person in overall advisory control of STS operation shall be qualified to perform all relevant duties with respect to the guidelines laid down for STS operations identified by the Organization.

  • Records of the STS operation shall be retained on board for three years and be readily available for inspection by a party to the present convention.

Notification Information for STS Operation:

  • An oil tanker that plans for STS operation within the territorial sea, shall notify the Party not less than 48 hours in advance of the scheduled STS operations.

  • If an STS operation will occur then the Oil tanker shall provide specified information and notify the Party of the present Convention at the earliest opportunity that is not less than 48 hours in advance of the scheduled operation.

  • The Notification information shall include at least the following:

    • Name, Flag, Call Sign, IMO Number and estimated time of arrival of the Oil tanker involved in STS operation.

    • Date, Time and Geographical location of the commencement of the planned STS operation.

    • Whether the STS operation is to be conducted at anchor or underway.

    • Oil type and Quantity.

    • The planned duration of STS Operation.

    • Identification of STS operations service provider or person in overall advisory control and contact information.  

    • Confirmation that the oil tanker has onboard an STS operation Plan meeting the requirements of this Chapter.

  • If the estimated time of arrival of an oil tanker at the location or area for the STS operations changes by more than 6 hours, the master or owner or agent of that oil tanker shall provide a revised estimated time of arrival to the Party to the Present Convention of this regulation.  

Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - MARPOL - Annex I

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