LSA Code - Lifeboat Fittings

There are certain fittings in the Lifeboat which are to be mandatorily fitted as per the guidelines put forth by the LSA code in accordance with the Regulations of SOLAS, 1974.

The following are the mandatory Lifeboat fittings:

  • All lifeboats except free-fall lifeboats:  
    • shall be provided with at least one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, which shall be automatically open to drain water from the hull when the lifeboats are not waterborne and shall automatically close to prevent the entry of water when the lifeboat is waterborne.
    • drain valve shall be provided with a cap or plug to close the valve, which shall be attached to the lifeboat by a lanyard or chain.
    • drain valve shall be readily accessible from the inside of the lifeboat and their position shall be clearly indicated.

  • All lifeboats shall be provided with a rudder and a tiller permanently attached/ installed to the lifeboat.

  • All lifeboats rudder and tiller shall be so arranged as not to be damaged by operation of the release mechanism or the propellor.
  • Except in the vicinity of the rudder and propeller, buoyant lifelines shall be fitted around the outside of the lifeboat above the waterline and within reach of a person in the water.
  • The lifeboats which are not self-righting when capsized shall have suitable handholds on the underside of the hull to enable persons to cling to the lifeboat.
  • All lifeboats shall be fitted with sufficient watertight lockers or compartments provided for the storage of small equipment, water and provisions.
  • All lifeboats shall be equipped with a means for collecting rainwater. 
  • All lifeboats except free-fall lifeboats shall be provided with a quick-release mechanism that shall be so arranged that all hooks are released simultaneously. 

  • All lifeboats except free-fall lifeboat release mechanisms shall be provided with indicators indicating that the release mechanism is reset properly in order to prevent accidental release during the recovery of the lifeboat.

  • Every lifeboat shall be provided with a device to secure a painter near its bow.
  • Every lifeboat shall have skates and fenders as necessary to facilitate launching and prevent damage to the lifeboat.

  • A manually controlled exterior light shall be fitted which can operate continuously for at least 12 hours with a luminous intensity of not less than 4.3 cd in all directions.

  • A manually controlled interior light shall be fitted which can operate illumination for not less than 12 hours.
  • Every lifeboat shall be so arranged that an adequate view forward, aft and to both sides is provided from the control and steering position for safe launching and manoeuvring. 

Free-fall Lifeboat Equipments:

Each free-fall lifeboat shall be fitted with a release system which shall:

  • have two independent activation systems for the release mechanisms which may only be operated from inside the lifeboat and be marked in a colour that contrasts with its surroundings.
  • be so arranged as to release the boat under any condition of loading from no load up to at least 200% of the normal load caused by the fully equipped lifeboat when loaded with the number of persons for which it is to be approved.
  •  be adequately protected against accidental use.
  • be designed to test the release system without launching the lifeboat.

  1. IMO Publications & Documents - International Codes - LSA Code - Chapter IV - Survival Craft.
  2. IMO Publications & Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolutions.MSC.48(66).


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