Supplement to IOPP Certificate

General Information:

  • With respect to the provisions of Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Form A & Form B shall be used for the Supplement of the IOPP Certificate.
  • The two forms of the Supplement to IOPPC are:

            Form A - Record of Construction & Equipment for ships other than Oil tankers.

            Form B - Record of Construction & Equipment for Oil Tankers.

  • The contents of the supplement to IOPPC are as follows

Form A - Record of Construction & Equipment for Ships Other than Oil Tankers

1. Particulars of Ship. 

        1.1    Name of Ship
        1.2    Name of ship
        1.2    Distinctive numbers or letters
        1.3    Port of Registry
        1.4    Gross Tonnage
        1.5    Date of Build
        1.6    Major conversion (if applicable)
        1.7    Unforeseen delay in delivery

2. Equipment for controlling oil discharge from machinery space bilges and oil fuel tanks (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 16 and  Regulation 14).

        2.1    Carriage of Ballast water in oil fuel tanks
      2.2    Type of Oil Filtering Equipment fitted
        2.3    Approval Standards
        2.4    Maximum throughput of the system is.................cubic meters/hour
        2.5    Waiver of Regulation 14

3. Means for retention and disposal of oil residue/sludge (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 12) and oily bilge water holding tanks.

         3.1    The ship is provided with oil residue (sludge) tanks for the retention of oil residues (sludge) on board as follows:

        3.2    Means for the disposal of Oil Residue (sludge) retained in oil residue (sludge) tanks:
                        3.2.1    Incinerator for oil residues (sludge)
                        3.2.2    Auxiliary Boiler suitable for burning oil residues (sludge)       
                        3.2.3    Other acceptable means, state which     
        3.3    The ship is provided with holding tank(s) for the retention on board of oily bilge water as follows:

4. Standard discharge connection (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 13).

        4.1    The ship is provided with a pipeline for the discharge of residues from machinery bilges and sludges to reception facilities, fitted with a standard discharge connection in compliance with Regulation 13        

5. Shipboard Oil/Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 37).

        5.1    The ship is provided with the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in compliance with Regulation 37
        5.2    The ship is provided with the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in compliance with Regulation 37.3        

6. Exemption.

        9.1    Exemptions as granted by the administration

7. Equivalents.

        10.1    Equivalents as approved by the administration

8. Compliance with part II-A - Chapter 1 of the Polar Code. 

        11.1    The ship is in compliance with additional requirements in the environmental-related provisions of the Introduction and Section 1.2 of Chapter 1 and Part II-A of the Polar Code.

Form B - Record of Construction & Equipment for Oil Tankers

1. Particulars of Ship.

        1.1     Name of ship
        1.2     Distinctive numbers or letters
        1.3     Port of Registry
        1.4     Gross Tonnage
        1.5     Carrying Capacity of Ship .................... (Cubic meters)
        1.6     Deadweight of Ship .................... (tonnes)
        1.7     Length of Ship ................... (m)
        1.8     Date of Build
        1.9     Major Conversion (if applicable)
        1.10   Unforeseen delay in delivery
        1.11    Type of Ship

2. Equipment for controlling oil discharge from machinery space bilges and oil fuel tanks (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 16 and 14).

        2.1    Carriage of Ballast water in oil fuel tanks
        2.2    Type of Oil Filtering Equipment fitted
        2.3    Approval Standards
        2.4    Maximum throughput of the system is.................cubic meters/hour
        2.5    Waiver of Regulation 14

3. Means for retention and disposal of oil residue/sludge (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 12) and oily bilge water holding tanks.

        3.1    The ship is provided with oil residue (sludge) tanks for the retention of oil residues (sludge) on board as follows:

        3.2    Means for the disposal of Oil Residue (sludge) retained in oil residue (sludge) tanks:
                        3.2.1    Incinerator for oil residues (sludge)
                        3.2.2    Auxiliary Boiler suitable for burning oil residues (sludge)       
                        3.2.3    Other acceptable means, state which     
        3.3    The ship is provided with holding tank(s) for the retention on board of oily bilge water as follows:

4. Standard discharge connection (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 13).

        4.1    The ship is provided with a pipeline for the discharge of residues from machinery bilges and sludges to reception facilities, fitted with a standard discharge connection in compliance with Regulation 13

5. Construction (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27 and 28).

        5.1    In accordance with Regulation 18, the ship is qualified as a segregated ballast tanker in accordance with Regulation 18.9.
        5.2    Segregated Ballast Tans (SBT) in compliance with Regulation 18 are distributed as follows:

        5.3    Crude Oil Washing (COW)
        5.4    Limitation of size and arrangements of cargo tanks 
        5.5    Subdivision and Stability
        5.6    Double-hull construction 
        5.7    Accidental oil outflow performance

6. Retention of oil onboard (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 29, 30 and 32).

        6.1    Oil Discharging and Monitoring System
        6.2    Slop tanks    
        6.3    Oil/water interface detectors
        6.4    Exemptions
        6.5    Waivers of Regulation 31 and Regulation 32

7. Pumping, piping and Discharge arrangements (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 30).

        7.1    The overboard discharge outlets for Segregated Ballast are located
                        7.1.1    Above the Waterline ....................
                        7.1.2    Below the Waterline ....................
        7.2    The overboard discharge outlets, other than the discharge manifold, for clean Ballast are located
                        7.2.1    Above the Waterline ....................
                        7.2.2    Below the Waterline ....................

        7.3    The overboard discharge outlets, other than the discharge manifold, for dirty Ballast water or oil-contaminated water from cargo tank areas are located
                        7.3.1    Above the Waterline ....................
                        7.3.2    Below the Waterline in conjunction with the part flow arrangements in compliance with Regulation 30.6.5 ....................
                        7.3.3    Below the Waterline

        7.4    Discharge of oil from cargo pumps and oil lines 

8. Shipboard Oil/Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 37).

        8.1    The ship is provided with the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in compliance with Regulation 37
        8.2    The ship is provided with the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in compliance with Regulation 37.3

8A. Ship-to-ship oil transfer operations at sea (MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 41)

        8A.1    The oil tanker is provided with STS operations plan in compliance with Regulation 41.

9. Exemption.

        9.1    Exemptions as granted by the administration

10. Equivalents.

        10.1    Equivalents as approved by the administration

11. Compliance with part II-A - Chapter 1 of the Polar Code. 

        11.1    The ship is in compliance with additional requirements in the environmental-related provisions of the Introduction and Section 1.2 of Chapter 1 and Part II-A of the Polar Code.

Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - International Conventions - MARPOL - Annex I - Appendix II - Form of IOPP Certificate & Supplements

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