What are all the Code used in Writing ORB Part I?

Usage of Code A: Ballasting or cleaning of Oil fuel tanks

Example 1:
  • When bunker tanks are cleaned, the below entries are to be done for the cleaning and disposal process.

Usage of Code C: Collection, Transfer and Disposal of Oil Residues (sludge)

Example 2:

Example 3:
  • Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in an oil residue (sludge) tank.

  • The operator initiated manual collection where oil residue (sludge) is transferred (transfer with a pump) into the oil residue (sludge) tank(s). Examples of such operations could be:
    • Collection of oil residue (sludge) from fuel oil separator drain tanks.

    • Collection of oil residue (sludge) by draining engine sump tanks.

    • Adding fuel oil to an oil residue (sludge) tank (all content of a sludge tank is considered sludge).

    • Collection of sludge from bilge water holding tanks - in this case, a disposal entry for bilge water is also needed under D 13, 14, 15.3.

    • Collection/Transfer of Waste oil to oil residue (Sludge) holding tanks for subsequent disposal (M.E Sump oil, Aux. Engine Sump oil, Stern tube oil, Steering gear Hyd. oil etc)  

    • Collection/Transfer of residues collected during cleaning of Bilge Holding tank to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

      • Collection/Transfer of residues collected during cleaning of Fuel oil Settling and Service or other lubricating oil tanks to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

        • Collection/Transfer of residues collected due to accidental spill/leakage in the engine room to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

        • Collection/Transfer of OWS oil residues manually drained after cleaning to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

        • Collection/Transfer of residues in F.O./L.O./sludge tanks leftover before and after cleaning to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

        • Collection/Transfer of water containing oil residues from E/R bilge wells during/after cleaning to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

        • Collection of oil manually from Bilge Primary tank to oil residue (sludge) holding tanks.

      Usage of Code C.12: Disposal or Transfer of Oil Residues (sludge)

      Example 4:
      1. The ship's master should obtain a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of oil residue (sludge) transferred, together with the time and date of transfer from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank trucks.
      2. The receipt or certificate may aid the master of the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident.
      3. The receipt or certificate should be kept together with the ORB Part 1.
      (To know about General Guidelines click here)

      Example 5:
      • Draining of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC, to a bilge water holding tank listed under item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.
      Note: Collection of bilge water need not be accounted for, so only one entry is required.

      Example 6:
      • Transfer from one oil residue (sludge) tank to another oil residue (sludge) tank, both listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.

      Example 7:
      • Incineration of Oil residue (sludge) in the Incinerator.

      Example 8:
      • Burning of Oil residue (sludge) in Boiler.

      Example 9:
      • Evaporation of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.

      Example 10:
      • Regeneration of Fuel oil from oil residue (sludge).

      (To know about General Guidelines click here)

      Usage of code D: Non-Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces

      Example 11:
      • Pumping of bilge water overboard from the tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.

      Example 12:
      • Disposal of bilge water overboard via shore connection

      Example 13:
      • Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to a tank listed in item 3.3 in the supplement to the IOPPC.

      Example 14:
      • Transfer of bilge water between tanks listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC (For Instance - from Bilge Primary Tank to Bilge Tank).

      Example 15:
      • Disposal of Bilgewater from the tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC to the Oil residue (Sludge) tank listed in item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.

      (To know about General Guidance click here)

      Usage of code E: Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces

      Example 16:
      • Pumping of bilge water overboard via 15 ppm equipment from the tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC or from engine-room bilge wells.

      Example 17:
      • Transfer of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to a tank listed in time 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC.

      Usage of Code F: Condition of Oil Filtering Equipment

      Example 18:

      Example 19:

      • For Restoration of proper Operation of oil filtering equipment, oil content meter or stopping device
      • The condition of oil filtering equipment also covers the alarm and automatic stopping device, if applicable.
      • A code 'I' entry should be made indicating that the overboard valve was sealed shut due to the non-working of Oil filtering equipment or Oil content monitor and unsealed after the normal proper working of the same.
      • On the date when the system is functioning again, a new entry, using code F 19/20/21 should be made.
      • Code F 19 - The date and time of initial failure.
      • Code F 20 - The time at which the system is functional again.
      (To know about General Guidance click here)

      Usage of Code G: Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil

      Example 20:
      • Accidental Pollution

      • Examples of circumstances of discharge include, but are limited to:
        • Oil content Meter failure

        • Fuel tank overflow

        • Ruptured bunkering hose/flange

        • Fuel tank leakage (due to collision/grounding) 

      Usage of Code H: Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil 

      Example 21:
      • Bunkering of Fuel Oil

      Example 22:
      • Bunkering of Bulk Lubricating Oil (This entry is not required if lubricating oils are delivered onboard in packaged form (55-gallon drums, etc.))

      Note - Separate entries are required for each grade of fuel oils and lubricating oils respectively to ensure transparency.

      (To know about General Guidance click here)

      Usage of Code I: Additional operational procedures and general remarks

      Example 23:
      • Entry Pertaining to an earlier missed operational entry
      • Date (1) to be the date of the actual operation.
      • Date (2) to be the current date i.e. the date the entry is made.
      • Signed (1) Signature of Officer making I entry.
      • Signed (2) Signature of Officer making missed entry.

      Example 24:
      • De-bunkering of Fuel Oil

      Note - Include receipt & certificate from the receiver for the amount & type of fuel oil de-bunkered.

      Example 25:
      • Voluntary declaration of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks recorded weekly.

      Example 26:
      • Sealing of MARPOL Annex I related valve and/or equipment

      Example 27:
      • Breaking of seal on MARPOL Annex I related valve and/or equipment

      Example 28:
      • Testing of 15 ppm alarms and operating of automatic stopping device, i.e. 3-way valve or bilge pump auto stop of Oily water Separator unit (as applicable)
      Note - Automatic stopping device by way of the auto-stop of bilge pump will be available on those OWS units where a 3-way valve arrangement is not fitted.

      Example 29:
      • Testing of 'Zero' ppm check of 15 ppm setting of Oil Content Meter Unit.

      Example 30:
      • 15 ppm 'function test' of the Oil Content Meter Unit using the testing fluid.

      Example 31:
      • Calibration of Oil Content Meter Unit by Maker's representative

      Example 32:
      • Maintenance of Oily Water Separator Unit

      Example 33:
      • Complete renewal of Oil Content Meter Unit.

      Example 34:
      • When the time set on the OCM clock is adjusted to match it with UTC time.
      Example 35:
      •  Transfer of sludge from engine-room oil residue (sludge) tank to deck/cargo slop tank

      Example 35:
      • Transfer of bilge water from tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC to deck/cargo slop tank.

      • If non-oil-cargo-related oily residues are transferred to slop tanks of oil tankers, the discharge of such residue should be in compliance with Regulation 34 of this Annex.
      • Requires an entry in the Oil Record Book - Part II under Code (J)
      • If sludge or bilge water is transferred from multiple tanks in the engine room a separate entry must be made in ORB Part I & Part II for each transfer.

      (To know about General Guidance click here)

      Reference: IMO Publications & Documents - Circulars - Marine Environment Protection Committee - MEPC.1/Circular.736/Rev.2

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